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Student Groups

A dedicated place for youth and college students to grow in their personal walk with Jesus.
Smiling Teenage Boy

Junior High

6th-8th Grades

The junior high years can be confusing, and challenging! But they can also be awesome! Through Sunday classes, weekly outreach, monthly activities, annual trips, retreats, and programs, the teens at HBC are challenged and equipped to live for Christ while they are in their youth. Each year, the teens can look forward to camps, trips, outreach events, fun activities, and many opportunities to grow in God’s Word. We do everything within our power to provide the Bible-based wisdom that teens need, combined with the friendly atmosphere that teens enjoy!


Junior High Bible Class 9:00AM (Room 207)

Wednesday Teen Meetings 7:00pm (Library)

LEADERS: Brandon & Hannah Aylestock

Smiling Student

Senior High

9th-12th Grades

Real Answers: In a world of lies – what’s really true? From the Bible, you can get answers for every question and problem in life, and you can find out that God really is on your side! He wants to help you every day and wants you to know Him personally.


Real Fun: Some people think Christians can’t have fun!The fact is, we have more fun than anyone else!! It’s the kind of fun you can have with a clear conscience – the kind that creates good memories, hilarious moments, and awesome friendships. Missions trips, all-nighters, summer camps, Nationals games, theme park days, ice skating, and more activities are held throughout the year.


Senior High Bible Class 9:00AM (Music Room)

Wednesday Teen Meetings 7:00PM (Fellowship Hall)

LEADERS: Josh & Amber Nicholson


College Years

First 4 Years

The first years of college can be a challenging time of transition. The college ministry is designed to help students navigate this life-transition, with clarity through biblical direction. The fellowship times are fun and engaging. The teaching focuses on Bible principles that give insight into making Godly decisions and seeking God's will for one's life. Monthly activities provide a time to hang out with friends and find some fun and encouragement. Please come and join other college students who are letting God prepare their lives for their futures.


College Years Bible Class 9:00AM (Room 205)

LEADERS: Jeremy & Laura Buschman

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