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We Believe in Reaching People

We are committed to sharing Jesus and His truth with our community and the world.
Bible Study

(Strategic Outreach And Reaping)

At Heritage Baptist Church, we follow the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” (Matthew 28:19)


We encourage you to join us in telling others about Christ, His love for each of us, and His precious gift of salvation.


Every Saturday our SOAR (Strategic Outreach and Reaping) teams meet at 10:00 am in the Heritage Chapel to reach out into our community through door-to-door visitation, placing invitations on doors, and when possible, speaking to our neighbors to share the Gospel and/or personally inviting them to church. We provide all the necessary information and instruction for all who attend.


Individual teams meet on the first four Saturdays each month, but all are welcome any Saturday. In those months with five Saturdays, on that fifth Saturday all teams and those not currently on a team are invited to participate in our church-wide SOAR.


Every Saturday @10am in the Chapel


Ministry Contact

Jeremy Buschman


Bible Builders

Heritage Bible Builders is directly involved in getting foreign-language Scriptures booklets to missionaries and national pastors around the world. The Scriptures, which consist of the Gospel of John and/or the book of Romans, are received from an outside printing center and are then assembled, covered and finished here at Heritage and then organized for shipment. Working one day a week, the Bible Builders have assembled over 250,000 Scripture booklets in six different languages over the last five years.


The completed Scripture booklets are shipped around the world. When distributed, it is estimated that each booklet will be read by eight people. By these estimations, Heritage Bible Builders have had a part in getting the Gospel to over two million souls!


Thursdays @ 1pm in the Fellowship Hall


Ministry Contact

John Fitzgerald

Children Arriving at School

Bus Church

Heritage Baptist Bus Church is a ministry designed to provide transportation to children, teens, and adults who would not otherwise be able to come to church. 

The bus ministry has been called the greatest evangelistic tool in the history of the local church. Millions upon millions of people have come to church, heard the Gospel preached, and had their lives forever changed since the introduction of the bus ministry. At Heritage Baptist Church, we have seen the powerful, life-changing impact of this ministry on countless boys and girls, teens, and adults.

Since the early years of Heritage, our bus routes have run up and down the streets of our community every Sunday. We have seen thousands of souls saved, lives changed, and families helped. If you live in our local area, we would be delighted to bring you to church on one of our buses. If you serve in a bus ministry in another church, we encourage you to continue in this eternal endeavor. The bus ministry still works!

Ministry Contact

Josh Nicholson

Young Buddhist Monks

World Missions

Reaching the world with Christ

Over the past two decades, Heritage Baptist Church has experienced aggressive growth—spiritually, numerically, and on our campus. Throughout this growth, Heritage Baptist has maintained a heart for the world-wide work of God. Heritage Baptist currently supports close to 200 missions projects who are taking the gospel of Christ throughout the world. These missionaries are supported through and sent by local independent Baptist churches. The members of Heritage Baptist have made the financial support of global evangelization a high priority, and the church's missions budget exceeds three hundred thousand dollars. 

In addition to foreign missions, Heritage Baptist is continually involved in helping to establish new independent Baptist churches in America. The church frequently conducts foreign mission trips to train missionaries and national pastors and to establish churches on foreign fields. Our annual missions conference in September helps our entire church maintain a heart for worldwide missions.


Ministry Contact

Mike Tangeman

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